Author Guidlines

  1. Manuscript is the result of conceptual idea research and service article that must be original, authentic, and does not plagiarize others or other institutions’ work. The work has not been published yet before. 
  2. The article is written in Indonesian, 15-20 pages, typed with Times New Romans, one columns justify, spacing 1.15, and normal margins on A4 paper.   
  3. Title is written in Indonesian and English.
  4. Abstract should be 200-250 words with 3 – 5 keywords, and written in Indonesian and English. 
  5. The procedure of article writing is as follows: Title is written in Indonesian and English, title and subtitle is bold and should be no more than 15 words. Name of authors is written without degree and institution, and email address of corresponding author is written below the title. Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with 200-250 words, with 3 – 5 keywords. Introduction is an elaboration without subchapters containing: background of study, problem statement, and theoretical foundation used. Research method contains method/approach used in the research. Result and Discussion is presented in subchapters with appropriate title. Conclusion is the reflection of problem becoming the focus of Research/study/finding and recommendation. References referred to in the article should be included into references.     
  6. Foreign word or term not changed into Indonesian word or term or not been technical term is written in italic.
  7. Direct citation consisting of 5 lines or more is written with single spacing and in new line. Direct citation consisting of less than 5 lines is written as the continuation of sentence and included into text between two quotation marks. Indirect citation is written without quotation mark.
  8. Title of table is written on the table and title of figure below the figure.
  9. References are written alphabetically and referring to APA Style.
  10. Editor is entitled to change the manuscript without reducing the basic content without the author’s permission. The decision of accepting the manuscript to be published without revision/ accepting the manuscript with revision and/or reorganization corresponding to the regulation of manuscript publication is absolutely the editor’s right. The decision of being accepted or declined will be informed via email.